Hacking 4 Oceans – STEM Talent Challenge

STEMworks™ has partnered with the University of Hawaii’s Office of Innovation and Commercialization (UH OIC), the Common Mission Project, and SOEST to launch a Hacking 4 Oceans (H4O) course at UH Manoa this Spring 2022! This course is funded in part by MEDB...

STEMworks innovating

This year’s 2021 Virtual Hawaii STEM Conference was a great success with 560+ attendees from across the state logging in to learn about all things STEM. The STEM conference provided teachers, students, and school administrators the opportunity to participate in...

Hawaii Virtual STEM Conference 2020

SAVE THE DATES: May 7th, 8th, and 9th 2020 Over the past few weeks, as we battle to keep COVID-19 from spreading in our communities, we have all experienced our daily lives change in radical ways. We here at STEMworks™  recognize the importance of staying...