workforce and education







Maui offers a dedicated, well-trained workforce. More than 85 percent are high school graduates, 25 percent are college graduates, and a further 24 percent are attending, or have attended, college. Maui’s 32 public and 21 private schools are supplemented by the University of Hawaii’s UH-Maui College (UHMC), which provides degree and certificate programs as well as continuing education opportunities.

In preparing the workforce for successful careers in 21st century businesses, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) programs are provided by many of Maui’s high schools as well as UHMC. Maui’s workforce also has access to such centers of technological excellence on Oahu as Chaminade University, the University of Hawaii (UH) and UH College of Engineering (with an enrollment of 900), and the UH Computer Science Department.

Workforce Growth

  • An estimated 450 information and technology companies operate on Maui, with a total workforce of more than 2,000, which is approximately 3 percent of the total workforce.
  • While many of the sector’s jobs are concentrated in the information, communications, and defense/aerospace markets, environmental sciences, agricultural biotech, ocean science, and renewable energy were additional technology markets playing a significant role in the industry growth.
  • Overall, the largest employment sectors of Maui’s economy are tourist-oriented businesses (accommodation and food services, including arts and entertainment); construction, health, and social services, retail trade, and professional, scientific, and administrative services.

Labor Market Data, Maui County, 2000-2019

Year Labor Force Employed Unemployed Unemployed (%)
2000 70,650 67,800 2,850 4.0%
2005 74,750 72,800 1,950 2.6%
2010 80,150 73,600 6,600 8.2%
2015 84,700 81,750 2,950 3.5%
2019 89,100 86,950 2,150 2.4%
2020* 84,550 61,800 22,750 26.9%
2021 87,250 80,950 6,300 6.9%
2022 87,250 83,350 3,850 4.4%

Source: (Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism)
Note: Seasonally Adjusted Data are for June of each year.

*2020 figures reflect the downturn of employment with the COVID pandemic. Unemployment jumped up from 2% in March to 33% in April.

Mean Annual Wage for the Top 10 Most Common Occupations, Maui County, 2017

Occupation Est. Employees Mean Annual Wage ($)
Waiters and Waitresses 3,400 $48,940
Retail Salespersons 3,360 $29,860
Maids/Housekeepers 3,000 $36,690
Cashiers 2,140 $27,100
Cooks, Restaurant 1,990 $41,360
Landscaping & Groundskeeping 1,580 $33,500
Maintenance and Repair Workers. Gemera; 1,460 $48,730
Janitors & Cleaners (excl. maids) 1,440 $29,610
Office Clerks, General 1,200 $35,210
Store Clerks and Order Fillers 1,160 $32,100

Source: Maui County Data Book 2018 Table 9.2.5

Long Term Industry Employment Projections, Maui County, 2014-2024  

Occupational Title Employment 2014 Employment 2024 Number Change Percent Change Annual Growth (%)
Goods-Producing (Mining, Agriculture, Construction, Manufacturing) 6,020 6,590 660 11% 1.1%
Services-Providing (total) 66,879 71,640 4.770 7.1% 0.7%
Of which:
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities 14,460 15,990 1,530 10.6% 1.1%
Information 590 520 -60 -11.1% -1.1%
Financial Activities (insurance, real estate) 2,760 2,940 180 6.6% 0.7%
Professional & Business Services (scientific, technical, management, & administrative) 6,890 7,520 630 9.1% 0.9%
Education & Health Services 11,330 12,530 1,210 10.7% 1.1%
Leisure & Hospitality (arts, recreation, accommodation, food services) 23.130 24,150 1,020 4.4% 0.4%
Other Services (excl. government) 2,720 2,870 150 5.4% 0.5%
Government 4,990 5,120 120 2.5% 0.2%
Total Self-Employed & Unpaid Family Workers 8,280 8,770 480 5.8% 0.6%