Fund FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the MEDB Ke Alahele Education Fund?

Since it was formed in 1982, MEDB has worked to expand Science, Technology, Education and Math (STEM) businesses and careers in Maui County. In 2006, the MEDB Board of Directors added a new dimension to this goal by creating the MEDB Ke Alahele Education Fund. The Fund channels community investment into grant awards that enhance STEM education in Maui County.

What has been the impact of the Fund?

To date, the Fund has empowered over 30,300 students and teachers in Maui County.

Why is STEM education important to me?

The ability of our businesses to compete today depends on the preparation of our students in critical thinking, problem solving, communication, collaboration, creativity – all skills nurtured by STEM education.

Who is eligible to apply MEDB Ke Alahele Education Fund grants?

Educators, students, schools and other organizations may apply for funds to support innovations in STEM education.

What are some examples of eligible Ke Alahele activities?

Eligible grant areas include developing new curriculum, integrating culture and science, internships, apprenticeships, professional development, and equipment to enhance preparation in STEM fields. Please see the lists of grant awards, by year  (right column).

How are grant recipients selected?

Grant applications are evaluated and selected by the MEDB Education Committee based on how well the proposed action meets the purposes of the Fund.

Can you tell me more about MEDB?

The Maui Economic Development Board (MEDB) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation established in 1982 with a focus on diversifying Maui’s economy. MEDB partners with the private, public and nonprofit sectors at the local and national levels to achieve our goals. Our programs – which are founded on a respect for our culture and precious environment – assist growth industries, educate and train our residents for new career pathways, and build consensus in addressing our community’s challenges and opportunities.
MEDB is governed by a 35-member Board of Directors drawn from business, government, academia and nonprofit organizations.
