Molokai is the fifth largest island in the state and the second largest in Maui County. Historically, Molokai’s economy has shifted considerably since the shutting down of pineapple operations in the 1970s and 1980s. In 2008, the closure of the 61,000 acre Molokai Ranch led to the loss of over 100 jobs and led to the loss of several related businesses, causing a ripple effect across the entire island’s economy. In recent years, Molokai has made significant progress in diversifying its economy thanks to local entrepreneurship and innovation, especially in the Agriculture and Eco-Economy (e.g. conservation) industries. Molokai typically has the highest unemployment rate of all the major Hawaiian islands, but notably, it had the lowest unemployment rate of all islands in 2020 thanks to its significantly-reduced reliance on the visitor industry compared to the rest of the state.
Socio-economic challenges currently facing Molokai include limited post-secondary education opportunities on-island, limited on-island health services, rising housing prices, and the high cost and limited availability of inter-island travel options. Despite these challenges, Molokai residents are leading the state when it comes to developing and implementing sustainable practices for farming, energy production, and natural resource management through community-driven planning.
A note on the spelling of “Molokai”: in light of generational knowledge shared by various kupuna (summarized in this article), MEDB does not spell Molokai with an ʻokina.
Population, Molokai, 1960-2020
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Decennial Census Records. Data available in 2022 Maui County Data Book
Population data in the chart above includes residents of Kalawao County. Note that challenges to obtaining accurate population data for Molokai include a low Census survey response rate among residents and a significant portion of the population not living on Molokai full-time.
Population by Race*, Molokai, 2023 Estimates
Source: U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey, 2023 5-Year Estimates, East Molokai, West Molokai, and Kalawao County
*Data includes individuals who identified as only one race and individuals who identified as mixed race. As such, mixed race individuals will be counted in all race categories with which they identified. For example, someone who is both Hawaiian and Filipino would be counted in both the Native Hawaiian column and the Asian column.
Estimated Jobs by Industry, Molokai, 2023
Source: U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey 2023 5-Year Estimates, East Molokai, West Molokai and Kalawao
Annual Average Labor Force and Unemployment Rate, Molokai, 2000 to 2023
Source: DBEDT Unemployment Statistic