MEDB Office closed – 15 days

With the ongoing uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, MEDB has been closely monitoring CDC travel notices, U.S. State advisories, and Hawaii’s Department of Health announcements. MEDB is following the recommendation of the Governor and Mayor to work remotely for the next 15 days and it’s doors will be closed as of Thursday March 19.
All staff will be working remotely to ensure continuity of services and programs. Please contact us via email at:
- (General)
- (Business Development)
- (EVOhana)
- (STEMworks™)
….or leave a message at (808) 875-2300 and a team member will respond to you as soon as possible.
With the office closed we will not be taking in new applications or issuing new cards. Please call Lory on 808-270-6802 with any questions.
In response to the COVID-19 advisories and guidelines, MEDB has made the difficult decision to cancel major events including:
Hawaii Energy Conference (March 18 & 19)
The Hawaii STEM Conference originally scheduled May 5 & 6 at the Hawaii Convention Center. The STEMworks™ team is exploring options to keep our students engaged in STEM.
The Hawaii Small Business Conference team is looking at virtual alternatives to provide resources and training that is most relevant to small businesses in these most challenging of times.
We will keep you updated on our plans as they evolve in this unique situation. Please follow us on social media for regular updates and posts to relevant news and resources.
MEDB remains committed to the health and well-being of the Maui community and wish you the very best in the coming days and weeks.
Please follow the recommended guidelines to protect yourself and your family, and to prepare for what to do if COVID-19 becomes widespread.