Workforce Development

MEDB’s Workforce Development program is funded through a grant from the U.S. Department of Labor.  It encompasses locally and nationally recognized education-to-workforce initiatives including:
Women in Technology
The Women in Technology Project is a statewide project funded by the U.S. Department of Labor as a workforce development project to encourage women and girls into science, technology, engineering and math careers and into other non-traditional occupations for women. For more information on the Women in Technology program, please visit the Women in Technology web site.
Future Scientists and Engineers of America (FSEA)
Future Scientists and Engineers of America (FSEA) is a non-profit award winning national program that can motivate, inspire, challenge, and introduce students to the thrill of science, math, technology, and engineering. FSEA provides the structure, project material, documentation and workshop training necessary to establish after school technology clubs in K-12 schools. The FSEA program focuses on technology and can easily and readily be implemented in every school. Visit the FSEA website for for more information.
MentorNet is the award-winning nonprofit e-mentoring network that addresses the retention and success of those in engineering, science and mathematics, particularly but not exclusively women and other underrepresented groups. MentorNet pairs community college, undergraduate and graduate students in engineering, related sciences and technologies, and math with mentors who are working in industry. Through a mentor, students become acquainted with career opportunities, gain access to professional networks and receive guidance, support and encouragement. This is a great opportunity for students thinking about a career in industry and looking to learn more about the “real world” of the industrial workplace. Visit the MentorNet website for more information.
Unlike any other class in Hawaii’s middle and high school curriculum, STEMworks™ is a multi-faceted, hands-on program where students get to use the most current, high-end technologies in community service learning projects. Working in teams, the students tackle real-world projects and in the process, become creative, intuitive, adaptable achievers who can solve unpredictable problems.
Engineering Day
Research shows that girls and young women lose interest in subjects and the fields of study leading to engineering careers long before they enter college. Aiming to challenge that stubborn reality, the Women in Technology Project, teams up with a number of organizations to bring “Introduce A Girl to Engineering Day” statewide during National Engineers Week which runs in February. Job shadowing and providing role models are proven ways to positively impact a young person’s career choices. By the end of February, more than a million girls nationwide will receive a firsthand introduction to engineering, along with a clearer idea of its importance in society.
Tech Careers Day
In the Tech Careers Day program, Maui students get firsthand exposure to possible tech careers. Several technology-based companies in the Maui Research and Technology Park open their doors annually to dozens of Maui County high school students at the annual event. Partners joining the Maui Economic Development Board for “Tech Careers” have included the County of Maui, US Air Force, Akimeka, Boeing, Maui High Performance Computing Center, Monsanto, Oceanit, Pacific Disaster Center and Textron.
