If you have a small business in Maui County and need support to restructure your business to adapt to COVID-19, then you could be eligible for the Maui County Adaptability Fund.
Join us on Wednesday, September 30 at 5:00 PM to learn about the Adaptability Fund, a $5 million grant program funded by the CARES Act, which was proposed by the Maui County Mayor’s Economic Recovery Task Force, approved by Mayor Mike Victorino and will be administered by the Maui Economic Development Board.
In this webinar you will:
- Learn the background of the fund, the need for the fund and what Maui County businesses are eligible to receive funding
- Types of costs covered by the adaptability fund (compliance with health and social distancing guidelines; modification of operation; and technology infrastructure)
- Take a tour through the entire application process
- Learn what sort of documentation is required and be shown a step by step example of filling out the application form
- Learn tips for applying successfully, including how to complete the budget application form
Following the information session, there will be an opportunity to ask questions about the fund from the experts.
The webinar can be viewed on any browser (no download necessary.) It will be recorded and replays available to those who register.
For those unable to make it to the Wednesday webinar, a second live Q & A session on Thursday, Oct 1 at 12:30 PM.
To help you prepare, here are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions