Jeanne Unemori Skog announced today that she will be stepping down as President & CEO of Maui Economic Development Board at the end of June 2017. Leslie Wilkins, MEDB’s current Vice President, will succeed her.
Ned Davis, Chair of MEDB’s Board of Directors expressed the Board’s appreciation, “We owe Jeanne Skog a great debt of gratitude for her 33 years of tireless service to MEDB – she will be sorely missed, but leaves the organization stronger and more vibrant than ever before. To her great credit, we have a very strong succession plan in place with Leslie Wilkins. Leslie joined MEDB in 1999 and has grown its Science Technology Engineering and Math program from a Maui pilot project to one that now serves 52,000 participants statewide and has garnered national recognition. She is a seasoned advocate and champion for small business.”
Jeanne joined MEDB in 1984. MEDB leaders subsequently elected her to the positions of Corporate Secretary, Vice President, and Executive Vice President before installing her as President & CEO in 1999.
During her tenure, MEDB significantly expanded its mission to lead and inspire innovation in business, education and the community toward building a vibrant economy. She augmented services and reach to innovation-related businesses to help them navigate and thrive in Maui County. Preparing residents for new careers in these sectors also surged with the launch and implementation of cutting-edge strategies in its STEM education-to-workforce program. MEDB’s community engagement on economic development planning set a milestone with the Focus Maui Nui visioning process that captured the values, priorities and strategies of more than 1,700 residents to guide future plans. Subsequent forums and conferences on water resources, energy, STEM education, and space situational awareness continue to build on that framework.
Jeanne credits MEDB’s accomplishments to an active and invested board of directors and membership, MEDB’s talented, professional, and innovative staff, and a dynamic network of local, national and international partners, funders and colleagues. “This base and web of support have been central to everything we’ve achieved,” said Skog.
Skog’s future plans will continue to involve the community and support MEDB’s values and objectives. “I am excited about the leadership Leslie Wilkins will bring to MEDB and will do all I can to assist her in the transition,” said Skog. “It’s been an honor and a gift to lead MEDB. I’ve learned so much from the opportunity and want to use those lessons to continue giving back to Maui, my home.”
Maui Economic Development Board is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation established in 1982. MEDB is governed by a 34-member Board of Directors, drawn from business, government, academia and nonprofit organizations focused on building a vibrant economy in Maui County that leads to fulfilling lives for its residents.